Why you aren't 100% hetero

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Do you know why you aren't 100% hetero? The reason is simple - you don't fap to the chinese cartoons. Firstly the drawing always implies perfection, all physical traits of attraction are perfect on the drawing. In those chinese cartoons there never are any dermatologic problems and high brightness and contracts helps to achieve maximal effect of shining skin. Hair quality is quite similiar, what you as underdeveloped hetero units don't really put attention to. Hair is one of the more important traits of attractivity, because they contain a clear information on breeding potential - they are a marker of health and diet from 2-3 years to now. In drawn, two dimentional space hair always seem to be perfect - shiny, smooth, very thick and of a big volume. You can't experience that in your shitty 3d.
You fap to those twisted 3d pigs and I bet you don't even look at something as important as bilateral symmetry of body, another crucial attractivity trait, but what can you know since you lack some hetero procents xD. The more symmetrical body halves are, the better quality of the genetic code brought by the individual, since all random mutations can undoubtly worsen the development of one part of the body. Asymmetry of the body can always be a symptom of sickness or some parasite infection. And once again chinesecartoon world thrives, since assymetry on paper for the skilled artist is non-existent, for mother nature it's practically impossible to eliminate.
And finally the most characteristical element of chinese drawings - face construction. Face like that contains traits of neotenical face such as big eyes, wide space between them, small nose, small chin or narrow jaw. You may now think, that only pedos or popes (Polish inside joke) are turned on by children faces. Sadly, this is just another proof of your demasculinization. Cunningham (1995) in its research on the group of 100% hetero males of all nationalities notied, that a face with neotenic faces is more attractive regardless of culture from which the tested came from. This result, of course, has its biological explanation. Face traits are the convey the functionality of hormonal system. Big eyes can indicate on the hamper of eyebrows' growth, element of the skull, for which responsible are androgens. Nose and jaw growth is hampered by the greater density of estrogen. High estrogen to endrogen ratio is actually a good marker of breeding capability of females.
Thus regardless of your preferences, fetishes or sexual deviations you will never have such strong, heterosexual instinct that weaboos have, deal with it.

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