hottie sister

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>Mom died right when I was born
>Grew up with my dad's family, because my dad
has all sorts of emotional issues and he bailed
before I was born
>Growing up I feel like there was always a lot of
distance between me and my sister
>Be 17 or 18
>Notice that my sister is a hottie
>Accidentally found a video that she made of
>I thought she was so fucking beautiful that I
watched it twice
>Would have watched it a lot more, but crazy shit
went down and I had to leave home
>At this point, totally lusting after my sister
>She was also having bad trouble with the law
>Actually in custody when I left home
>Friend and I go to pick her up
>I Just wanted to fuck her brains out
>I think she had feelings for me too
>Kissed me when we picked her up
>Definitely WAS NOT a sisterly kiss
>Friend told me he wants to get with my sister
>Not much happened between me and my sister
for a while
>At this point, we were all wanted and moving
around a lot
>Serious sexual tension between my friend and
>I get hurt badly and almost die
>While in recover, sister gives me another not
sisterly kiss
>We spend some time apart
>I get really religious, try not to think of her that
>I was totally over her
>We go sailing a year later (nothing romantic)
>She's in the hottest fucking bikini ever
>All those feelings come back
>She ends up with my friend from before
>After all this, we were at a party
>Sister and I were outside alone
>Kill the mood by telling her that Darth Vader is our
father and I have to go face him

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