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Memetic Nullification

Wyświetlenia: 5231 / 0 | Seria: Zwyczajne | Dodano przez:anon

I have noticed something I think you may all find of interest. This will be your worst nightmare in 2020, if what I suspect turns out to be true.
If what I’ve noticed has just been a coincidence, then I’m sorry for bringing attention to it and letting people know of the potential here.
I digress. Here’s the theory:
The left have always been shit at memes, as such, the powers above them have always failed at countering memetic warfare. There’s nothing they’d like more than to kill memes, to kill ideas, but the best they’ve come up with is cheap imitations (see: I’m with Ker) or just declaring things “dead”, as if they were an authority (see: Pepe and Gamers)
These have always failed. The only people who go along with this stuff are the same people who would buy a ticket to see star wars on opening night even though all the leaks have told them it was shit, watch it, see that it’s shit, but still tell everyone it was fantastic and they loved it.
Sadly for them, converting useful idiots is totally irrelevant, and not their goal. They’re already converted.
What they want is to stop memes from dragging in outsiders to the right wing subcultures.
“Epstein didn’t kill himself” did more to reveal global pedophilia to the masses than pizzagate ever did.
Coomer more than nofap.
The number of 12 year olds memeing about Trump back in the day are all now getting politically active and rebelling against the narrative.
Holocaust denial (outright denial, not revisionism) among youths is skyrocketing because of wooden doors/ey tony/cookie monster memes.
What starts as a funny joke drags these kids into places like here. Even on reddit, things are getting more and more right wing.
Then, the final straw. Trad GF.
Showing girls that guys want debt free virgins without tattoos.
This is where they tried their theory.
Memetic Nullification
Observe. A shitty lefty meme:
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