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Negowanie memów

Wyświetlenia: 5433 / 0 | Seria: Zwyczajne | Dodano przez:anon

Zauważyłem coś, co, jak sądzę, może was wszystkich zainteresować. To będzie wasz najgorszy koszmar 2020 roku, jeśli to, co podejrzewam, okaże się prawdą.
Jeśli to, co zauważyłem, było tylko zbiegiem okoliczności, to przepraszam za zawracanie uwagi i poinformowanie ludzi o tym.
Dygresja. Oto teoria:
Lewica zawsze robiła słabe memy, więc zawsze przegrywała w wojnie memicznej. Nie ma ni...
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Swear words in Poland

Wyświetlenia: 1686 / 0 | Seria: Zwyczajne | Dodano przez:anon

In Poland swear words can be either very simple or very creative. Most simple swear words can have many different meanings and there are certain instances where you can create your own swear words and other Polish people will most certainly understand what you mean. Some examples, all of which derive from the word "pierdolić" which means "to fuck" or "to talk gibberish":
"wpierdolić" means "to...
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>years on a stinky ship

Wyświetlenia: 1482 / 0 | Seria: Zwyczajne | Dodano przez:anon

>years on a stinky ship
>on no fap because of the catholic church
>hard labour daily
>surrounded by hairy stinky men
>away from wife
>horrible food
>finally land
>get off your ship
>you and your compadres see this
can you really blame them in good conscience schlomo?
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Wyświetlenia: 1557 / 0 | Seria: Zwyczajne | Dodano przez:anon

We have a community of millions of players and you're telling me that when valve decides to release a hot fairy waifu we can't get some half decent hentai of her. You're telling me when valve releases this fucking GODDESS of a character people refuse to draw her spreading her tight woodland asshole. I've played Dark Willow almost every game since the patch has dropped and I can't even satisfy my i... Czytaj dalej →

Trip with friends

Wyświetlenia: 1402 / 0 | Seria: Zwyczajne | Dodano przez:anon

>Be me virgin, double date with my friend to go desert camping
>Girlfriend is also virgin
>My friend is a fatass and doesn't want to hike
>"Hey anon can you take my girlfriend hiking with you and your girlfriend to get her to stop bitching to me"
>I leave him to play pokemon go in the car while I go hiking with the girls
>Girls are new to hiking, I have to hel...
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Love SpongeBob

Wyświetlenia: 1875 / 0 | Seria: Erotyczne | Dodano przez:anon

The exact moment I knew I was gay is when I first started watching SpongeBob. I didn't know what it was about him that made me want him so badly, but every time an episode came on my dick became rock solid. I knew I wanted to do more than merely watch this sponge. I wanted to fuck his tight little juicy asshole. For years, I dreamed of pounding him from behind and filling him with my cum and watc... Czytaj dalej →
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