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Memetic Nullification

Views: 5230 / 0 | Series: Common copy paste | Added by:anon

I have noticed something I think you may all find of interest. This will be your worst nightmare in 2020, if what I suspect turns out to be true.
If what I’ve noticed has just been a coincidence, then I’m sorry for bringing attention to it and letting people know of the potential here.
I digress. Here’s the theory:
The left have always been shit at memes, as such, the powers above th...
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Views: 2039 / 0 | Series: Common copy paste | Added by:anon

So someone in a group asked me to tell them why I hate the ocean sunfish so much, and apparently it was ~too mean~ and was deleted. To perpetuate the truth and stand up for ethical journalism, I'm posting it here. [Rated NC-17 for language.]

Disclaimer, I care about marine life more than I care about anything else, for real. Except this big dumb idiot. And it's not like an ~ironic~ thing,...
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Views: 1189 / 0 | Series: Common copy paste | Added by:anon

I suppose some of the younger generations would no longer know what an Iron Lung actually is. You can see a picture here of the type of iron lung I stayed in. In short, an iron lung is a machine that allows people to breath once they are no longer able to naturally. They are most commonly associated with the Polio epidemic of the 1950’s.

I vaguely remember getting sick when I was 11 years...
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Swear words in Poland

Views: 1563 / 0 | Series: Common copy paste | Added by:anon

In Poland swear words can be either very simple or very creative. Most simple swear words can have many different meanings and there are certain instances where you can create your own swear words and other Polish people will most certainly understand what you mean. Some examples, all of which derive from the word "pierdolić" which means "to fuck" or "to talk gibberish":
"wpierdolić" means "to...
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After 4 Weeks of Unprotected Sex

Views: 1189 / 0 | Series: Common copy paste | Added by:anon

After 4 Weeks of Unprotected Sex
Girlfriend: Hey baby
Boyfriend: Hey Babe
Girlfriend: I wanna tell you Something.
Boyfriend: Umm ok shoot.
Girlfriend: Please promise me you won't get
Boyfriend: (Got a bit nervous) are you telling or
Girlfriend: (Started to cry) I... I... I... I... I
think... Babe i think i'm pregnant
Boyfriend: Whaaaaaaaaat?
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Pokemon Funtime

Views: 995 / 0 | Series: Common copy paste | Added by:anon

Hey guys, did you know that in terms of male human and female Pokémon breeding, Vaporeon is the most compatible Pokémon for humans? Not only are they in the field egg group, which is mostly comprised of mammals, Vaporeon are an average of 3”03’ tall and 63.9 pounds. this means they’re large enough to be able to handle human dicks, and with their impressive Base Stats for HP and access to Acid Armo... Read more →

9 years ago

Views: 1262 / 0 | Series: Common copy paste | Added by:anon

16th November 2010
My girlfriend Bianca and i went camping up north in Australia, she wanted to experience nature as to how i did, so neither of us brought any electronics, but we did bring the basics for survival, woodcutters axe, fuel for fire, old rags, to make torches and a hunting knife.

While we were setting up camp, a couple that were camping there as well only they were packin...
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I'm a guy and I wish I could be pregnant

Views: 876 / 0 | Series: Common copy paste | Added by:anon

I think pregnancy is wonderful. I know it's not all lollipops and rainbows. I supported my wife every single day through her pregnancy and I helped her through the nausea, the body aches, and the terrible pain of giving birth. I know there are risks and complications and it's not something everyone wants to do. I wish I could do it, though.

My wife and I agreed we wanted a baby as soon as...
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hottie sister

Views: 1625 / 1 | Series: Common copy paste | Added by:anon

>Mom died right when I was born
>Grew up with my dad's family, because my dad
has all sorts of emotional issues and he bailed
before I was born
>Growing up I feel like there was always a lot of
distance between me and my sister
>Be 17 or 18
>Notice that my sister is a hottie
>Accidentally found a video that she made of
>I thoug...
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Views: 1216 / 0 | Series: Common copy paste | Added by:anon

>The Holocaust was real and the Muslims were in on it
>Jews don't run the world, Globalists just want you to think they do
>The real victims of Globalism are actually Jewish
>The real hero of 911 was Mossad
>Research the porn industry by watching lots of it
>Find the tranny switch
>Find Bigfoot
>Find the Lochness Monster on Google Maps
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>years on a stinky ship

Views: 1391 / 0 | Series: Common copy paste | Added by:anon

>years on a stinky ship
>on no fap because of the catholic church
>hard labour daily
>surrounded by hairy stinky men
>away from wife
>horrible food
>finally land
>get off your ship
>you and your compadres see this
can you really blame them in good conscience schlomo?
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Dark Willow

Views: 1440 / 0 | Series: Common copy paste | Added by:anon

We have a community of millions of players and you're telling me that when valve decides to release a hot fairy waifu we can't get some half decent hentai of her. You're telling me when valve releases this fucking GODDESS of a character people refuse to draw her spreading her tight woodland asshole. I've played Dark Willow almost every game since the patch has dropped and I can't even satisfy my i... Read more →
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