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Vim is the greatest

Views: 2626 / 0 | Series: Common copy paste | Added by:anon

Vim/Neovim is the greatest text editor to ever exist.

At first, I used Nano like an absolute pleb. The world had lost its colour, and everything seemed slow.

Then I found Vim. Everything took on colour. My senses were heightened when I started using vim, and I started seeing things I had never seen before ( wait that might be the drugs ). I dreamt of vim, lived vim, played only v...
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How OAuth 2.0 works in real life

Views: 1064 / 0 | Series: Common copy paste | Added by:anon

I was driving by Olaf's bakery on my way to work when I saw the most delicious donut in the window -- I mean, the thing was dripping chocolatey goodness. So I went inside and demanded "I must have that donut!". He said "sure that will be $30."

Yeah I know, $30 for one donut! It must be delicious! I reached for my wallet when suddenly I heard the chef yell "NO! No donut for you". I asked: ...
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I'm a Search and Rescue Officer for the US Forest

Views: 3272 / 0 | Series: Creepypastes | Added by:anon


I've been an SAR officer for a few years now, and along the way I've seen some things that I think you guys will be interested in.

• I have a pretty good track record for finding missing people. Most of the time they just wander off the path, or slip down a small cliff, and they can't find their way back. The majority of them have heard the old 'stay where you are' t...
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Views: 1111 / 0 | Series: Common copy paste | Added by:anon

I fucking hate notches so goddamn much. Every time I see a retarded notch on an Android phone like a Huawei, LG, or Asus I seriously want to kill myself. First of all, a notch is the most basic, brainless "feature" ever made. Removing a piece of the screen to make way for random shit is not fucking clever. Also, the first company that implemented a notch was Essential, and I bet most iPhone fans ... Read more →
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